Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Memories

I was blessed with a huge family on my mom's side of the family. At Christmas every year, everyone showed up at MaMaw and PaPaw's for Christmas Eve. There would be 40-50 people stuffed into their house in the mountains of eastern KY. We would eat incredible country cooking and then wait for my uncle Sam (a.k.a. Santa Claus) to climb in through the window with all kinds of presents. I didn't realize how much fun I was really having at the time, but I would love to be "10" again for just one of those nights!

What is your favorite Christmas memory?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Self Portrait

Samuel Butler said, "Every man's work, whether it be literature or music or pictures or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself." That is an interesting thought when couple with the apostle Paul's teaching that "whatever you do whether in word or in deed do it all for the glory of the Lord."

So what is it that I am doing? What is it that you are doing? Are we painting a portrait of ourself or can people see Christ through us and through what we do?

As Arsenio Hall used to say, that's one of those things that makes you go "Hmmm".

Thursday, December 4, 2008

God's Financial Bailout - HUGE FAITH

Hey we just finished a great month talking about God's Financial Bailout for our life. His Bailout is to "trust him completely" for what you need in life. It was a great month and many people began making some changes in their financial life.
But how can we develop that huge level of faith that really trusts God with the big things in out life. The next two weeks we will look at what it takes to have GIGABYTES of FAITH and some constant things that God uses to grow that faith.
I would love to hear some huge faith stories from you ...