Monday, April 30, 2012

Big Serve 2012

Yesterday was an incredible day!  Hundreds of people hitting the streets all over the country to serve in the name of Jesus Christ.  This is our second Big Serve Event on a Sunday.  Partnering together with another local church, this year it was interesting that many other churches across the country had similar serve events on the same weekend or same Sunday. 
We worshiped on the hill and continued talking about where Christ was leading us.  What is our Destination and who is leading us?  Dancing with the Stars is one of the latest phenomenons from the world of reality television.  I don't know very much about dancing, especially of the ballroom variety, but I know that it is critical for their to be a leader and one who follows.  For us to be the kind of followers of Jesus that we are called to be we have to be willing to dance with Jesus, the ultimate leader!  When we surrender to His lead we dance in perfect union toward a destination of eternal significance.

We have recently invested significant time looking into our spiritual DNA.  For our purposes we have defined five key markers from scripture. Things that should spill out of all followers of Christ.  Those five key markers are worship, studying, serving, giving, and sharing.  

A couple times each year we participate in church-wide serve events to introduce the idea of serving becoming as natural as breathing for Christ followers.  Our hope is that serving will trickle down from the church-wide events, to LIFE groups serving together, to individuals with servant eyes looking for ways to serve as much as they look to breathe.

It is somewhat frustrating to know that a significant number of the faithful weekend attenders, intentionally choose not to attend on Big Serve Sundays, but it is their loss.  For those that choose to participate they experience a wonderful adventure of making a difference.  Those serving often receive as much or more blessing than those that they are being served.  It is a model from Jesus.  He said of himself that the "Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve".  Several of the organizations served talked of the thousands of dollars saved by their ministry because of not having to hire help to do what hundreds of volunteers do in one Sunday afternoon.  Other volunteers are blessed to have the opportunity to serve individuals instead of organizations.  

This year several ladies went to a nursing home to do make-overs and spa treatments for elderly residents.  I love the pictures of women on their knees polishing finger nails and toes nails.  It is as close to a modern day foot washing that I have seen.  For some of the ladies it was the simple holding and massaging of their hands that brought smiles to their faces.

I love where Christ is taking us in learning to serve.  It is part of our spiritual DNA. It's in us! 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Good ? Friday

There is nothing good about today, if you judge it by the normal standards of goodness.  The cross was the most feared deterrent of Roman Law.  While today many would be nervous and even afraid of some days or months spent in a jail or prison, people in Jerusalem were terrified of the cross and the torture leading to the cross.

The label “Black Monday” reminds us of the crash of the stock market and of a time of economic collapse.  People didn’t know what they were going to do or how they were going to survive. The people who were followers of Jesus found themselves in that same situation as he was arrested and tortured.  How would they survive, what were they going to do? Things happen in our lives leaving us feeling the exact same way.  We find ourselves asking questions like, will this pain ever end?  Maybe that is how you feel today.  

I always struggle with this day being called good.  On the surface it seems to me that this day should be referred to as “Black Friday”, because I can’t imagine anything any darker. The only way we can understand it as good is to understand Jesus’ mission to earth was for our good.  Suddenly, it's GREAT FRIDAY!!!