Monday, July 23, 2012

Tragedy Strikes Again

It was an almost perfect two and half weeks of vacation.  It was the last Friday, before returning to work and to the office on Monday.  It was a day of fishing on the lake with and good friend and then an evening of football with a bunch of young men that I have grown to love dearly.  We got up early at the lake and my friend ask if I had talked to my son in Colorado the night before.  I told him that we had texted each other Thursday night before bed, but that was all.  Then he showed me the news on the television from Aurora Colorado.  It is about a thirty minute drive from my son's place to Aurora, and I was fairly confident that he would not have been out at a Batman movie at midnight, but my heart skipped a beat.  It wasn't long until I was assured he wasn't in Aurora then night before, and then my mind sprang to the dozens of parents whose children were there.  While I slept soundly, their world forever changed.  Suddenly vacation time with family and friends was even more special.  A break, a time away to try and enjoy life!  It is really hard to do as a pastor who tries very hard to reassure people that God loves them and that grace is always available.  We spend so much time dealing with people's tragedies in life, bot to mention our own.  My fun time was almost over and this was not the way I wanted it to end.  I have several friends in the Denver area as well as my son, and thankfully I didn't personally know anyone so dramatically affected by this tragedy.  But I am a parent, and a grandparent, and an American, and a Christian and when a tragedy like this hits it affects us all.

This is not the first time that our world has been shattered by tragedy, nor will it be the last.  Our world has been full of tragedy from the time Satan masqueraded as a serpent in the garden of Eden.  The Bible tells us he is a "deceiver" wanting us to believe in a "truth" that isn't true and isn't full of hope.  I don't know why or how he deceives so many young people into believing that something so evil could bring anything good into their life.  I don't know why or how he deceives so many wonderful young men that strapping bombs to their bodies or cars or flying planes into buildings could in any way bring anything good to them.  I don't know why or how he deceives young men that gang life and living like a thug is going to get you ahead, or how he convinces young teenage girls that a baby will make their life complete.   All of these things are tragic marks of the world that we live in ... but just for a little while!   We won't be here long.  Seventy, eighty, ninety years at best.  For some unfortunately much shorter times.  For a few incredible earthly lives in the triple digits of years.  But it still isn't long. 

James, the half-brother of Jesus, told us in the fourth chapter of his letter, 13 Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” 14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. 15 Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”   Life is just not that long.  I know that mine is well past the halfway mark.  I have experienced tragedy first hand and there are still more tragedies to come.  But I have had some really good times too.  I have also seen God work in the midst of tragedy.  Two of my dearest ministry friends have lost children as a result of traffic accidents and in those two cases, people came to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior because of how the families responded when faced with tragedy.

Life is short.  We have no promises or an easy life, just because we follow Christ.  Jesus told us that, God causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.    We have a period of time to decide how we want to respond to life's tragedies.   We do have hope in the midst of tragedy.  Jesus' best friend here on earth, John wrote, You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.  Maybe the apostle Paul put it best when he wrote in Romans 8, 37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The moments that lead to many tragedies bring out the worst in people the worst that Satan can must as he deceives once innocent hearts.  But I have seen first hand the moments IMMEDIATELY following tragedy bring out the best in people as the Spirit of a Living God rises up in the hearts of hurting people to come to the aid of those who are hurting even more!  It is amazing what joy can RISE up from tragedy.   Wait a minute!   Isn't that what happened in Jerusalem a couple thousand years ago.  There was a TRAGIC Friday and out of the tragedy of Friday, something, no SOMEONE ROSE up on Sunday to make it all good again. 

In the midst of tragedy God always RISES AGAIN!!!

Monday, July 2, 2012


Our "Summer Breezes" series took us to the book of 2 John this week.  One of the major concerns of John for the church at Ephesus was that they were being deceived by false teachers.   In verse 11 John gives very strong warning to not show hospitality to those who teach in opposition to the teaching of Jesus and scripture.  Right after talking about the importance of love, John comes back to the truth of God and warns the people to be very careful.

Satan is a deceiver, and he will use people, sometimes without them even knowing it to deceive those that are trying to follow God.  Think about the things in your life that you have experienced that are decptive by design.  I love to fish and I have a whole box full of little plastic and rubber things that are supposed to look appealing to big ole fish.  But every one of them has at least one hook attached to it.  Some have as many as six.  They are called "lures", because they lure fish into a false sense of security and then I catch them.  Once upon a time I could hit a baseball pretty well and then the older I got the pitchers on the other team starting throwing these balls with a different spin on them and then they reacted to gravity and wind and just as a would swing they would ... "CURVE".  I was deceived to think it was a fast ball and then I would strike out and head back to the dug out.  Satan is the master of deception.
Many things that look good, are really harmful, that’s why it is called deceit
According to Peter Kendall in the Chicago Tribune, Ruben Brown, age sixty-one, was known on the south and west sides of Chicago, as the friendly neighborhood cockroach exterminator with "the Mississippi stuff." The Mississippi stuff was a pesticide Brown had bought hundreds of gallons of in the South, and it really did the trick on roaches. Brown went from door to door with his hand sprayer, and his business grew as satisfied customers recommended the remarkably effective exterminator to others.      

In the process, however, Brown is alleged to have single-handedly created an environmental catastrophe. The can-do pesticide-methyl parathion-is outlawed by the EPA for use in homes. Southern farmers use it on boll weevils in their cotton fields, and within days the pesticide chemically breaks down into harmless elements. Not so in the home. There the pesticide persists as a toxic chemical that can harm the human neurological system with effects similar to lead poisoning.        
The EPA was called into Chicago for the cleanup. Drywall, carpeting, and furniture sprayed with the pesticide had to be torn out and hauled to a hazardous -materials dump. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimated that the total cost of the cleanup would be some $20 million, ranking this as one of the worst environmental nightmares in Illinois history.     
Brown was charged with two misdemeanors. He apparently didn’t know much about the pesticide he sprayed so liberally. Brown’s attorney said, "It’s a tragedy. It is one of those situations where he did a lot of harm, but his intention in no way matches the damage he has done. He is a family man and handled it with his own hands. Do you think he knew how toxic it was?"  

What you don’t know can hurt you. That is true both of pesticides and of false teaching.
That’s why the “study” part of our Spiritual DNA is so important. We need to know the truth because the truth can … set you free!