Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Satisfied or Motivated

A few years ago my staff went out to lunch at a Chinese restaurant.  When the meal was over we all broke into our fortune cookies.  One of my guys read his which said, "Life could be better, but this is good enough."  The first response was laughter, followed by contemplation.  If you know that your life could be better why would you settle for good enough.

As we approach another new year and people are making their resolutions (most of which will be broken), do you want "better" or "good enough"?

  • I know my job could be better, but this is good enough.
  • I know my marriage could be better, but this is good enough.
  • I know I could be in better shape, but this is good enough.
  • I know I could be a better parent, but this is good enough.
  • I know my retirement plan could be better, but this is good enough.
  • I know that my relationship with God could be better, but this is good enough.
  • I know my life could be better, but this is good enough.
Why do we settle for "good enough" when things could be so much "better"?

Jesus said that he came to provide a life that is so much better.  "The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come to give you life and life to the fullest.  (A Better Life) " John 10:10

What are you going to do to give yourself a chance for "better"?

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Come on people focus! We live in a world that is struggling (at best) to find any true focus.  There are extreme questions of focus in our political system.  Our school systems have almost completely lost focus on education.  Many businesses are focused only on the bottom line with little care for the customer.  Even many churches have lost the focus from seeking and saving the lost to focus on catering to the wishes of the denomination headquarters or the desires of the long time members.

I have to be completely honest to say that there are many days that I struggle with my personal focus. I have committed to being focused on being a man of God, a faithful husband, a loving father and grandfather, and a caring pastor in that order.  But I realize far too often that the tyranny of the urgent gets in the way of me staying focused on the priorities that I feel God has placed in my life.

Do you ever catch yourself losing your focus for your life?

What are the things that you do to reclaim your focus?

When I wake up each morning I find my glasses and put them on so I can focus on the clock and any overnight messages to see what I need to do for the day.  I am praying that I will begin putting on my spiritual glasses by asking God to lead me where he wants me to go each day and that I might see clearly the opportunities that He places in my path.

Come on people focus!!