Wednesday, October 31, 2007

PRAY the Vote

"Rock the Vote" is the catch phrase all over the country as we head into the pre-presidential election year. Voting is a privilege that not every person in the world has and so for those of us who have that privilege we do need to exercise that it. But as Christians there is much to be said for "Praying" the vote. Leaders will come and go, but what they stand for can last for a long time, good or bad. When Christians go to the polls next week they need to pray the vote in several ways. First, pray that God will lead you individually to cast your vote based on the issues at hand and not based on public opinion or party affiliation. Second, pray that all other God-followers will do the same thing. Finally, begin to pray now for all those who will be elected that they will listen to the sovereign leading of God our Creator!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Milligan College

One of my joys is beign able to serve as a trustee at my alma mater Milligan College. We meet twice each year to pray and plan for the growth of the school. Milligan reached a milestone this fall topping the 1000 mark in enrollment for the first time ever. One of the motto's of the school is "Christian Education the Hope of the World".
Jesus Christ is the ultimate hope of the world, but the further we can spread that message, the more we can educate people on how to share that message from every walk of life the more we will be able to fulfill his command of making disciples.
There are several tremendous college opportunities within the Christian church, why not check them out for your further edcuation?

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Steve Sjogren, the pastor at Vineyard Church in Cincinnati, said it takes between 12 to 20 positive bumps—refreshing encounters with the Christians or churches—before people come to appreciate Christ, or God, or the church. Often times what you do in a simple act of service becomes a very positive bump for somebody, but so often we are too busy.
When an opportunity comes, do we choose to respond?

The family of Shelby Christian Church wants to give some "bumps" to our community on October 27 from 8:00 until 12:00 as we serve at Clear Creek Park, Red Orchard Park and Shelby County Fairgrounds.