Wednesday, October 31, 2007

PRAY the Vote

"Rock the Vote" is the catch phrase all over the country as we head into the pre-presidential election year. Voting is a privilege that not every person in the world has and so for those of us who have that privilege we do need to exercise that it. But as Christians there is much to be said for "Praying" the vote. Leaders will come and go, but what they stand for can last for a long time, good or bad. When Christians go to the polls next week they need to pray the vote in several ways. First, pray that God will lead you individually to cast your vote based on the issues at hand and not based on public opinion or party affiliation. Second, pray that all other God-followers will do the same thing. Finally, begin to pray now for all those who will be elected that they will listen to the sovereign leading of God our Creator!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad you have a blog. This could be a great tool for helping those who are going thru strugles with life's challenges.