Wednesday, January 28, 2009


They actually got the forecast primarily right and the snow, ice, and snow is here to the tune of 6-8 inches. Trees are down everywhere and many people are out of power and its going to be a really cold night. It reminds me of the old saying, "Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it." A whole bunch of people really wanted the snow and may have not considered the possibility of the downed trees and power lines, because they just wanted to see and play in the beauiful white fluffy stuff. But after it has fallen and broken limbs and been driven on and turned black from the street sludge, it's just not that pretty anymore.
Sin has that same kind of appeal that draws us to it and then turns dirty and breaks things and causes far more hurt and problems than we realized it would when we were anticipating the joy of the momentary.
Here is to hoping you are safe, warm and have power and food. I really hope that you can get out and make to our pep rally on Sunday morning! Then after we come to church, let's go out and be the church!

Monday, January 26, 2009


Everyone in Shelbyville is going crazy and excitement is building because snow is supposed to be coming. People are running around making all the neccesary preparations just in case it snows. We want to make sure that if the snows comes that we won't be stranded without the essentials that we need for survival.
How much more important is our eternal survival? What kind of preparations are we making for the coming of our Lord?
I love the snow and hoep that it comes tonight. I love the Lord even more and really hope He comes tonight. Wouldn't that be awesome!!!! Are you ready???

Friday, January 23, 2009

Can You Love Too Much

Recently Kim and I were having lunch after church with some friends and we were discussing family members and friends that were making dumb decisions and our friend made this comment, "Anytime you want more for someone than they want for themself you are going to be hurt."

That has stayed with me and causes me too ask, "How much should I love someone?". Maybe a better question would be "What should I pray for or want for other people." Should I wait for those I care about to tell me what they want out of life and pray for that or should I risk being hurt and pray for something more than what they sometimes want for themselves?

Jesus said, to love our neighbors as we would ourselves. Where is the balance? So I ask in the middle of a 40 day journey of love. Is it possible to love too much?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How Much Do You Hate People?

I would be no means endorse the presentations of Penn Jillette and his onstage partner Teller, but I was amazed at this video from Penn Jillette's daily video blog. Nearly halfway through the video he asks a question that should make all Christians stop in their tracks. Watch the video.

A professed atheist asks, "How much do you have to hate me not to tell me about Jesus?" So I challenge you, who have you hated this week?