Sunday, September 20, 2009


Wow! Did it ever rain hard this morning? Kim and I are getting ready for our LIFE group tonight and we are actually using Rob Bell's Nooma series for a few weeks. Guess what video one is ... RAIN. Rob does such a great job of explaining why it has to rain in our lives and how God works through the rain. Then I read my friend Brittany's blog who is serving God in Guatemala where it is supposed to be the rainy season and it is not raining. People are dying because they need the rain. I am not always the sharpest guy but I am beginning to think God is trying to teach me something through the rain. I can't wait to see my small group tonight. I missed being with them. They were such a help when we found out that we were going to be grandparents and now it could happen any day. I am not old enough to be a grandparent and Shaun and Erin aren't old enough to be parents, but it is what it is, so God let it rain!!! And I will praise you in the storm!

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