Joshua said, "Make a choice today who you will serve, but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord." So we are back to choices. Imagine you are in the "elevator of life" and you have 100 buttons in front of you each representing a level of life from the basement to the penthouse. Which button are you going to push?
You might think the choice seems obvious, but not for everyone. It seems that although there are more rewards the higher you go, there are also more expectations. So what will you choose? You can have the best that this has to offer, but there will be expectations. Many choose to settle at this point. So what will you choose?
Have you ever been on a real elevator and thought you were going up only to have the doors open and realize that you had gone in the wrong direction? Or maybe you have just not been paying attention and when the doors opened you hop off only to find out you are on the wrong floor. I have done all those things on real elevators and on that imaginary spiritual elevator as well. Sometimes I mean to make the right choice, but I make the wrong one.
Then the hardest thing is when you make the right choices and still things don't go as you plan. Thieves tend to want to break into penthouse homes more than they do basement apartments. Jesus said that we face a thief that wants to steal from us, kill us and ultimately destroy us. The reality is that there will never be ultimate peace until we are in the ultimate penthouse of heaven at the feet of the Father.
I want to make the best choices I can until I get there. I never met Sharon, but I know her grandparents and I sat in their kitchen this morning listening to great stories of the choices she made to live in the penthouse with Jesus. This morning at the age of twenty-four leukemia took her life here, but allowed her to move into the penthouse permanently. Some will say it is a tragedy. The real tragedy is for those who come to the end of life at whatever age without choosing to live with Jesus. I am so sad for Bill and Wanda and their family, but Sharon chose the penthouse and she only had to wait twenty-four years to get there. What are you going to choose?
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