I choose to believe 100% in an omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing), omnipresent (always there) God!!! Without choosing to believe that this is nothing but and evil existence that will someday end in death for all of us. To not believe this leaves humanity to live hopeless and helpless lives. To believe it leaves humanity with some very difficult days here on this earth and yet a very bright future in the end.
But does He really cause everything that happens to happen for a reason. If he is omniscient in that he knows how I will always respond and in turn is causing events to happen to change me, then is it my free will or his. Am I choosing to follow Him or being manipulated like a puppet on a string?
Can that God who is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, bring good out of an absolutely horrible situation? You bet He can!!
It is amazing to me how the most painful hurts in life have taught me the most. The older I get the more I have to learn and the more I admit that I don't know. I am a whole lot more judgmental of myself than I am of others. I don't have all the answers anymore, not that I ever did but at least now I realize I don't. I have learned how easy it is to come up short and not be successful. I understand grace so much more, because I have experienced it so much more. The interesting thing is that the few lessons I have learned have almost always come out of failure on my part. Not something someone else did and certainly not something God caused to happen. You see I can't blame Him for my dumb choices. But in the midst of the storms I have seen the hand of God at work. I still don't understand the storms, but I know that he is there. I wish I knew what lesson it is that I have not yet learned, because I would sure like to learn.
I get tired and frustrated a lot and I don't know what to say, but I try to keep on reaching. Keep on reaching for answers, keep on reaching for understanding, keep on reaching for God and keep on reaching to pull others. For me I have determined that I have two hands so that I can reach out for God and reach out to others at the same time. I am reaching out for the God that is working things out for my good not causing bad things to happen for a reason. Satan keeps bringing the bad and will as long as he is loose, but God just keeps working all things out for the good based on two qualifiers from scripture. Romans 8:28 tells us He is working things out for the good of those who LOVE HIM and are FOLLOWING HIS CALLING on his life. We can't live like hell and expect God to work things out.
I choose to believe 100% in an omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing), omnipresent (always there) God!!! Without choosing to believe that this is nothing but and evil existence that will someday end in death for all of us. To not believe this leaves humanity to live hopeless and helpless lives. To believe it leaves humanity with some very difficult days here on this earth and yet a very bright future in the end.
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