Thursday, December 20, 2012

GIVE the GIFT - Bring a Friend to CHRISTmas

There are certain defining moments in everyone's life.  I truly believe that this weekend could be a defining for our family on the Hill and for all who come to worship there.  Sunday morning our youth staff will be helping over 100 of our young people lead us in worship.  A special dramatic musical will share the incredible gift of God when He gave the world His presence in His Son.

Wouldn't it be awesome if every Christ believing church in the world was packed this weekend.  If you have a church that you call home please got there and worship this weekend.  If you don't have a church that you call home, this would be the perfect weekend to start looking for one.  If you live anywhere close to Shelbyville, Kentucky and don't have a church home I sincerely hope that you will join us at Shelby Christian Church.  Sunday morning we will worship at 9:30 and 11:00 with our young people leading us.

We will also have two opportunities to worship on Christmas Eve at 5:00 and 7:00.  We will have children's programming at the 5:00 service on Christmas Eve for children fifth grade and younger.

I hope to see you on the Hill.  Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and Keep on Reaching!

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