Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Random Thoughts for May 28, 2013

  • Why do people think that they can live like hell Monday through Saturday and show up for a worship service on Sunday and it's all good?  God will not be mocked!  Galatians 6
  • If you are living like there is no hell, you better be right!
  • I can't believe that I get the privilege of leading people to Christ in spite of my short comings. Grace is a wonderful thing, so I try very hard not to abuse it.
  • God is up to something on the Hill at Shelby Christian.  I pray that I am always aware of His leading and don't miss a single opportunity.
  • The Story is going to be incredible.  I pray that we are all able to grow in our story as it fits into His Story!
  • This week is going to be special as we finish our two-part parenting sermon.  I wish I knew some of this stuff before I became a parent ... or grandparent!

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