Friday, July 10, 2009

What Are You Afraid Of

I have been thinking a lot this week about "the fear of the Lord". The Bible talks about it a lot, but Jesus most used command was fear not. The obvious answer is that the fear of the Lord is not a scared fear, but a respect and reverent fear.

It seems to me that most people today have neither. Sunday I am preaching the second half of the God and Country series. My message asks the question, what have we done with God? It is kind of like "where's waldo?" We are so caught in self and what we want that we forget that God is even around, much less in control.

We elect leaders that swear an oath to serve with their hand on the Bible and then never open it, but rather make the decisions that THEY think needs to be made.

Then this week we watched a city spend $1.4 million on a memorial service and the Savior of the world had to be buried in a borrowed tomb. Just saying ...

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