Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ukraine Adventure Days 1-3

Day 1 - First Flight Louisville to Cincy - Easy flight except really warm. During layover we ate at max and Ermas and talked about families and Ukrainian/Russian history.
Second Flight Cincy to Paris - 3640 miles in 7 1/2 hours, almost got an entire row to mysef, but an attorney from London England sat down. fascinating chap! :-)

Day 2 - Third FLight Paris to Kiev - I got a window seat and then slept the whole way. We had a five hour layover before train ride and so we went sight seeing in Kiev, including eating at McDonalds (Big Mac Combo $19.50), mother Russia park and Painters Street market. Did I mention there was a train ride? 500 miles in 16 hours due south to Crimenan Peninsula. Arrived a little after 9 am local time.

Day 3 - Check into hotel. First visit to Project Sasha. Ministry Center that works with kids after school in youth group, athletics, tutoring, etc. The visited Shabelski family. They have been taking care of orphed children for 20 years since before there were Ukrainian orphanges. Incredible family that proves Matthew 25 kind of care for people is possible. Then we ate at a Ukrainian Cafe. I had my first "borshk" with some chicken (thats what they said it was) and mashed potatoes and desert. All of that was good. Had some Russian smoked fruit drink, not so much.
It was a good day with Constatine and Marcia. Marcia is a twenty one year old native who is our interpreter. She reminds me greatly of my daughter Evann.

I'll send more tomorrow!

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