Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ukraine Day 10

We have finished the 15 hour train ride and I am writing this from an Internet cafe at the airport in Kiev, Ukraine. We board our first of three flights at 5:55 a.m. EST, land in Paris for an hour to switch planes, then on to ATL arriving at 8:10 and leaving at 9:35 and finally arriving at Louisville at 11p.m.

This has been an incredible experience. I have seen many things that I wish I had never had to see but I am so glad that I did. We are so blessed! Even in the midst of difficult times and even heartbreak we are blessed beyond our wildest imaginations.

I can't wait to hug my wife and kids and of course my little MaLeigha. Popi is on his way! See you guys in KY in a few hours.

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