I received an email this week that asked me for some thoughts about grace and "Why" its even available. I so love sharing grace with people, mainly because I love having received it and continuing to receive it from a loving God that understands my shortcomings. However, like most people I really struggle with the why sometimes. When I see what a mess we have made of God's love for us I sometimes wonder how long He can put up with it. Without sounding too cliche-ish I guess that is why they call it AMAZING. None of us in our human selfishness and pride would ever come up with the concept and definitely couldn't pull it off. Yet, the creator of the universe says I don't care where you have been or what you have done or who you have done it with I still love you enough to give you my son. After wrestling with the concerns of a parent for a struggling child for the last four years I am even more amazed by a God that would give up a son for people who seemingly don't care on most days. The thought of losing my son is almost paralyzing and I surely can't imagine giving him away without a fight. How did Abraham have the faith and courage to trust God on Mt. Moriah. I haven't been able to completely lay my Isaac down yet, but God is teaching me about faith, and grace and HOPE! Romans 5:8 has become my favorite verse of scripture as God has taken me through the journey of the last few years. "And this is how God showed his love for us, in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us." That part "while we were still sinners" is what comforts me and perplexes me. We don't have to become perfect and can't become perfect on our own. That's what makes grace so amazing, in fact that's what makes it grace.
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