Friday, January 6, 2012

What Are You Reading?

I am always trying to read more and more and never seem to have enough time.  How about we share things we are learning through our individual reading and maximize our efforts.  I am currently reading two books. The first is You Lost Me by David Kinnaman.  It describes research about the generation of young adults that find themselves wandering and the church at large not knowing how to find them or in many cases not even willing to look.  Kinnaman divides those young adults in the Mosaic or Millennial generation who have lost touch with the local church into three categories.  Nomads who think of themselves as Christians but who have drifted away from the church of their parents. Prodigals are those who have given up on the faith of their childhood. Exiles feel stuck between the idealistic world of church and the real world they find themselves living and trying to survive in.  I am finding the facts recorded from surveys amazingly on track with what I am experiencing with the high school football players I work with on Friday night and the thoughts of my own children.  I hope that I can lead our church to finding these valuable young adults.
The second book that I am reading is actually a reread of Timothy Keller's book Prodigal God.  I use that in our leadership training group every year to set the tone for a church that cares about those that may have lost their way.  Keller has such a wonderful view of the church's role as the older brother who needs to be out looking for the lost brother rather than relishing in staying home and then complaining when the lost one finds his way.  Much to think about in that concept.

So what are you reading and what is that book causing you to think about?

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