Friday, May 4, 2012

Is It In You?

Like many if not most churches, the church I lead has a purpose statement and a vision statement that well document the actions and dreams of the church as it moves forward.  I realized, however, that did not have a strategic structure for the personal responsibility for the individuals that make up that church.  Our vision statement says, that we want to be a community of changed lives with undeniable influence.  I love the fact that the word church is not in that statement.  Not because I am anti-church, I love the church of Jesus Christ, but in our culture the use of church tends to ring of institution in many ears, not of love and action as Christ desired and died for.  

Now the Bible is the best MapQuest for finding our directions on living that one could ask for, but it is also very comprehensive.  I felt the urge to break it down to some irrefutable basics that people could hold onto and put into practice.  Last summer on a study break from the church, Christ began to reveal some of those basic truths in a way that made since.

I returned to share with my staff what I was sensing and as a team we worked out the spiritual DNA initiative that I have listed below.  These things are more than just our identity as followers.  We hear a lot about identity theft and while people can steal your identity they can't steal your DNA.  It's deep inside of you!  We began formulating these markers around a question first posed by Gatorade - "Is It In You?"  It was our belief that these would be characteristics that would just spill out of followers of Christ and become as natural as their physical DNA.

Time will tell if these ideas truly catch on in the church, but we are working toward these five things become as natural as breathing.

Worship – We are a community of changed lives who worship God with a spirit of surrender in our thoughts, actions and words and committed to …
·         Daily Personal Worship – Hebrews 13:15
·         God-Honoring Lifestyle – Colossians 3:1-4
·         Corporate Worship - Hebrews 10:25
Study – We are a community of changed lives that values the Bible as God’s Word as final authority, guiding the way we live and committed to…
·         Authenticity of Scripture – Hebrews 4:12
·         Advancing My Relationship with Christ –   2 Tim. 3:16-17
·         Accountability – Colossians 3:16
Serve - We are a community of changed lives who have been given a unique set of talents and abilities that can be used to make a positive impact in the lives of others and committed to …
·         The Example of Christ – Mark 10:45
·         A Servant’s Heart – Galatians 5:13-14
·         Discovering and Using My Gifts – 1 Peter 4:10
Give - We are a community of changed lives willing to give the resources of time, money and spiritual gifts God has entrusted each of us and committed to …
·         Generosity in All Things – 1 Timothy 6:17-19
·         Tithing – Malachi 3:10
·         Those in Need – Matthew 25:35-36
Share – We are a community of changed whose love for God and others compels us to introduce people to a relationship with Jesus committed to …
·         Our Testimony – 1 Peter 3:15
·         Disciple Making – Matthew 28:19-20
·         World-Wide Evangelism – Acts 1:8

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