Monday, November 17, 2008

Don't Overlook the Obvious

This morning I began the process of trying to get the Internet fixed at home. I was prepared to sit on hold for quite a while. I had set up the laptop on the desk next to the modem and the router. Just before I dialed the phone to begin the technology nightmare that I was sure would make me look like an idiot, I decided to double check all the wires. They were fine and secure, but then I noticed and interesting button. It simply said "Internet On/Off". Ok so I felt like an idiot, but nobody had to know. But as I drove into the office I began to wonder, what other obvious things am I overlooking?
As we approach Thanksgiving I have made a commitment to myself to look for those little things that I have to be thankful for. I can usually tell you the things I would like to change or go better, but I need to see the little things that are great that I often overlook.
What about you? What obvious blessings have you been overlooking?

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