Don't be conformed to the ways of this world. - Romans 12:2 Don't be just like everyone else in the world. Be different from the rest, walk to the beat of a different drummer, go to the deep end when everyone else wants to stay in the shallow end with their spiritual floaties on. Over and over again Paul pushed people to spiritual transformation, but that real trsnformation didn't happen by just doing the same old thing in the safe places of our life. It is a challenge to go deeper, to get out of your comfort zone, it's a call to be different.
But being different doesn't mean being weird. Christians need to be different than world, but still be able to relate to the world. In the world, just not of this world. In a effort to show their commitment to Christ, I see far too many people being weirdly different from the world. So much so that they aren't drawing people to Christ, but repelling them. I will never be able to give up the thought of Ghandi saying after his time in America, that he would have no doubt been drawn to Christinaity if it weren't for Christians.
Spiritual transformation happens when we allow the Holy Spirit to work in our life with no pride for who we are and nothing but respect for who Jesus is. It is the process of sanctification that allows us to continually become more and more like Christ. Jesus was so different from the world, but in a way that drew people toward Him. The only ones that left were the Pharisees who felt threatened and some disciples in John 6 who thought that the teaching was too hard. Everyone else was drawn to Him.
Why in the world would a man light a candle and then hide it under a basket? What are you doing with your candle? Different doesn't have to weird, just the result of a changed life. How has God been changing you one choice at a time?
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