It's about 8 days until our country steps into the polling booth and cast our votes for the next president and several other important positions depending on where you live. The rhetoric has been going on for months. If you were able to put a meter on it you would probably find that none of the candidates are completely truthful or forthcoming.
So what are we going to do? It is time to PRAY! 2 Chronicles 7:14 tells us that God is willing to help and heal our land, if we are willing to pray and seek His face and turn from our wicked ways. It starts with prayer and simple prayer that asks God to help you with the rest of what he asks of us. Prayer is the beginning of seeking His face and the beginning of turning from our wicked ways.
Chuck did an awesome job today of reminding us that God is pro-life and all that this means. It is much bigger than the Roe v. Wade decision although that is a huge part of this campaign. It goes to the very meaning of life and how we are going to live it.
I would like to encourage Christians to spend next Monday fasting and praying not only about how you are going to cast your votes but for the will of the Lord to be done. We will be having a group prayer time at church this Wednesday night and the building will be open for prayer from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. next Tuesday if you would like to stop in and pray before going to cast your votes!
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