Yesterday we talked about our character. So much of our character is determined by our level of integrity. I am not sure who first coined the phrase, "Integrity is who you are when no one is looking." I first read it from Bill Hybels 20 years ago at a Willowcreek Conference and it really stuck with me. I was thrilled to see Dungy quote it on page 12. The hardest part about living it out is to realize that there are very few times when no human is looking and never a time God doesn't see your actions. The phrase should probably be rewritten that, "Integrity is who you are when you think no one is looking." Can you think of a time when you thought no one was watching you and later found out that they were? How did you find out someone was watching?
The book of Daniel is full of stories of integrity. From Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refusing to bow to the statue of the king to Daniel praying no matter who was watching. What would you have to change in your life to live with that kind of integrity? As Tony Dungy said it is the "choice between what's convenient and what's right". Do the right thing?
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