What great quote from Ben Franklin to begin this chapter, "Tis great confidence in a friend to tell him your faults, greater to tell him his." I am so thankful that I have a few very close people in my life, who have over and over again made wise decisions that can truly say things that I don't want to hear without being judgmental. They admit their own faults and shortcomings and realize that this journey to follow Christ is difficult at best, but is worth every heartache and struggle.
The writer of Proverbs tells us that "plans succeed through good counsel; don't go to war without wise advice." We are going to war every day. In fact, I have found that church leaders are in the sights of the assassin every day. While it is to be expected from the evil assassin it is sad when the shots come from friendly fire. So how do distinguish between counsel that helps and criticism that destroys.
Dungy says it is in being constructive. What a great encouragement to stay focused on solutions and communications. I have found the greatest help and counsel coming from those that openly talked about how life and be better, and what we can do to correct shortcomings.
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