Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Chapter 26 - Role Model

I feel so sorry for young people today who don't have readily available positive role models. My life was full of them. I remember Coach King, Coach Rose, Coach Petry and Coach Copeland who were my youth baseball coaches and taught me a lot about the game I love, and my college coach that showed me that hard work and dedication paid off in more ways than wins and loses. I remember the Brookings, Billy Pyle and Dwayne Weber that were youth sponsors who taught me so much about the God I love. My parents were phenomial as I watched my dad serrve diligently in church and my mom sitting on the edge of the bed reading her Bible and praying every morning. Now after twenty years as a parent I know who she was praying for. Now I watch my wonderful wife dig into the scripture and I long to have her knowledge and understanding of the truths of God's word.
There is a verse of scripture that challenges me and haunts me all at the same time. It is found in 1 Corinthians 11:1 - Paul says to "follow me as I follow Christ". I love how the emphasis is on following Christ, but what a challenge to show others the way.
I hope you have a role model and I hope you realize you are someone's role model. I'd love to hear your stories ...

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