Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Chapter 27 - Eternal Self-Esteem

This may be the shortest chapter in Dungy's book, but possibly the most powerful. I love the scripture that he begins with about the time God takes in creating each and every one of us. I find myself asking questions that begin with "why" quite often these days, and even when I can't see an answer I have a faith that God "knows why". I am about to become a grandfather far earlier than I would have chosen, but I am excited because I know God is knitting my granddaughter together. Every life has a purpose. Often times our choices take us down different paths than God originally had in mind. He allows us to make choices and then works to "make our paths straight" again when we step out of his will.
Jesus said that we are each far more valuable to God than any flowers of the field and yet God creates them beautiful, just as he has us. I feel so bad for those that have been so beaten up and beaten down that they feel they can do nothing. I pray that I can do a better job of encouraging those that are so beaten.

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